Cookies management

Personal Data

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act, the personal information requested by is mandatory and necessary to record and expedite your order and to manage your account in terms of sales, marketing and the quality of our exchanges. This information may be shared with other companies within the group. You have the right to access and rectify all personal data and to oppose its usage. You may exercise this right by writing to: Customer Service Pol. Industrial San Marcos, C/Bell 17 28906 Getafe, Spain.

Do not forget to provide your first name, surname, address, e-mail and a copy of your ID to help us respond as quickly as possible.


The aim of this section is to help you understand the origin and usage of the browsing information processed when you visit our site and your rights regarding this information.

It is therefore important both for you, to ensure a secure and positive experience of our services, and for us, so that we can respond fully and accurately to your questions regarding to your visits to our web site and respect your preferences.

When you visit our web site, data concerning your browsing activity may be saved in micro files called "Cookies" installed on your device (computer, tablet, smartphone etc.) We may also purchase advertising space, directly or through our business partners (media agencies, advertising networks), in order to promote our activities and offers on third party sites/applications via advertising content (text, images, videos etc.) relayed by these sites/applications and accompanied by cookies. Only the issuer of a cookie may read or modify the data it contains.


The cookies issued on our site

When you connect to our web site, we may, in accordance with your choices (see “Your choices concerning cookies”), place various cookies on your device enabling us to identify the browser used for the duration of the cookie in question.

These cookies allow us to:

- compile statistics regarding the frequency with which various elements of our site are visited and used (sections and content visited, customer path), allowing us to improve the interest and ergonomy of our services;

- adapt the presentation of our site to the display preferences selected on your device (language, screen resolution, operating system etc.) during your visits, according to the hardware and graphic software installed;

- record information relating to forms completed on our site (account creation or access) or to products, services or information you have selected on our site (subscription to a service, basket content etc.);

- give you access to your exclusive and personal areas on our web site, such as your account, using identifiers or data you may have provided previously;

- install security measures, for example asking you to reconnect to access content or a service after a certain lapse of time.


What are the cookies accompanuying advertising content transmitted by third parties used for ?

When you access a site or application displaying one of our ads, the ad is liable to be accompanied by a cookie. This cookie may, according to your chosen settings, be placed on your device, allowing us to identify the browser used for the duration of the cookie.
These cookies transmitted by third parties are used for the following purposes, in accordance with the options selected in the browser used for your visit to, which you may modify in your settings at any time.

If you have chosen to allow your device to accept them, these cookies enable us to:

  • - If you have chosen to allow your device to accept them, these cookies enable us to:
  • - calculate the amounts due to all participants in the advertising chain (media agencies, advertising networks, web sites, transmission media) and to compile statistics
  • - adapt the presentation of the web according to the display preferences recorded on your device (language, screen resolution, operating system etc…) when you visit our site and according to the hardware and software included on your device and according to the location details (longitude and latitude) we or our partners receive via your device, with your prior agreement.
  • - de vous permettre d'accĂ©der Ă  des espaces rĂ©servĂ©s et personnels de notre site, tels que votre compte, grĂące Ă  des identifiants ou des donnĂ©es que vous nous avez Ă©ventuellement antĂ©rieurement confiĂ©s ;


What is the advantage of seeing ads based on your browsing history?

Our aim is to display the most pertinent ads possible. To this end, cookie technology allows us to determine in real time which ad we should display on your device, according to your recent browsing history on one or several sites or applications.

Votre intĂ©rĂȘt pour les contenus publicitaires qui sont affichĂ©s sur votre terminal lorsque vous consultez un site, dĂ©termine souvent les ressources publicitaires de celui-ci lui permettant d'exploiter ses services, souvent fournis aux utilisateurs Ă  titre gratuit. Vous prĂ©fĂ©rez sans doute voir s'afficher des publicitĂ©s qui correspondent Ă  ce qui vous intĂ©resse plutĂŽt que les publicitĂ©s qui n'ont aucun intĂ©rĂȘt pour vous. De mĂȘme, les annonceurs qui souhaitent voir leurs publicitĂ©s diffusĂ©es, sont intĂ©ressĂ©s par l'affichage de leurs offres auprĂšs d'utilisateurs susceptibles d'ĂȘtre les plus intĂ©ressĂ©s par celles-ci.

If you share the use of your device with other people

Sharing your device and the cookie settings selected for your browser with other people is your own personal choice and responsibility.


Your choices regarding cookies

Several options are available with regard to cookies. Any settings you change may affect your internet browsing experience and access to certain services requiring the use of cookies.

You may to express or modify your choices regarding cookies at any time by the following means.


Your browser can be configured to accept cookies on your device or to refuse them, either systematically or by issuer. You can also configure your browser to accept or refuse cookies each time one is about to be installed on your device. For more information, consult the section "How to configure your choices for your browser".

  • Agreeing to COOKIES

The installation of a cookie on a device is essentially up to the user and you may express or modify your choices at any time via the options offered by your browser.

If you have agreed to the installation of cookies on your device via your browser, the cookies integrated in the pages and content you have consulted may be stored temporarily in a designated area on your device. They can be read only by the issuer.


If you refuse to install the cookies we issue on your device, or if you delete any we have already installed, you will no longer be able to benefit from a number of functions required to browse certain areas of our site. This would be the case if tried to access any content or service requiring you to identify yourself or when we could no longer determine (for reasons of technical compatibility), the type of browser you were using, its language and display settings and the country from which you appear to be accessing the Internet.

In such cases, we decline all responsibility for the consequences arising from any degradation in the associated services.

  • HOW TO Configure your choices according to your browser

Cookies and privacy settings are managed differently in each browser, so it is best to consult the browser’s help section. Here are the instructions for the most common browsers.

For Internet Explorer: Open the Tools menu and select Internet Options. Click on the Privacy tab and select the preferred level

For Firefox: Open the Tools menu and select Options. Click on Privacy and select the preferred level.

For Chrome: In the main menu, select Settings, Show advanced settings, Content settings and then choose your options.

For Safari: Select Safari > Preferences > Security > Show cookies and choose your options.

For Opera: In the Settings menu, select Preferences, Advanced, Cookies, Manage cookies and choose your options.

Expressing your online choices directly to us

Please note that this procedure will not stop ads being displayed on the web sites you visit. It will only block the technology that adapts the ads displayed to your personal interests.

NB: Your choice is implemented by means of a cookie. If you delete all the cookies recorded on your device (via your browser), we – and our service providers – will not know that you have chosen this option.

Expressing your online choices via interprofessional platforms

On the Youronlinechoices web site provided by the EDAA (European Digital Advertising Alliance) and managed in France by the Interactive Advertising Bureau France, you will find a list of the online advertising professionals registered with this platform. This site offers a centralized platform on which you can accept or refuse the cookies used by these companies to adapt the ads displayed on your device to your browsing history.

Please note that this procedure will not stop ads being displayed on the web sites you visit. It will only block the technology that adapts the ads displayed to your personal interests. 

Personal data and your browsing history

We may customize the ads and offers you receive according to your device’s browsing history on our site or on third party sites on which we place cookies.

On the basis of the personal data, including your email address, that you provided when subscribing to or accessing one of our services, we may, in accordance with your choices, link the browsing history collected by our cookies with your personal data in order to send e-mails or display ads on your device which are likely to interest you directly, in advertising spaces containing cookies issued by us.

You may at any time ask to stop receiving ads or e-mailshots adapted to your browsing history by contacting us directly and free of charge or by clicking on the unsubscribe link included in all e-mail shots we may send you. In this case, the ads that you continue to receive, unless you oppose this decision, will no longer be adapted to your device’s browsing history.

Updated on 01/10/2014