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Funeral and sympathy flowers

Bouquets and funeral sprays composed and delivered by our trusted partner network, Teleflora. With years of experience in the creation and delivery of sympathy flowers and arrangements, Teleflora skilled local florists offer the highest level of service.

Sagri - Funeral spray

From €80.00

A superb spray of roses in white, cream and green.
For all your messages of sympathy and condolence, this funeral spray composed of seasonal flower, lilies and foliage will make a perfect tribute.
Your order will be prepared by a skilled florist from the Teleflora network, chosen by Aquarelle to compose and deliver this funeral arrangement, which requires specific expertise and precise delivery conditions, to the destination of your choice (home, funeral parlour, place of worship, ceremony or cemetery).

This floral arrangement includes a stand or container which is not suitable for cremation.

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From €80.00

Sagri - Funeral spray

From €85.00

A superb spray of roses in white, cream and green.
For all your messages of sympathy and condolence, this funeral spray composed of seasonal flower, lilies and foliage will make a perfect tribute.
Your order will be prepared by a skilled florist from the Teleflora network, chosen by Aquarelle to compose and deliver this funeral arrangement, which requires specific expertise and precise delivery conditions, to the destination of your choice (home, funeral parlour, place of worship, ceremony or cemetery).

This floral arrangement includes a stand or container which is not suitable for cremation.

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From €85.00

A beautiful funeral spray of vibrant flowers
Choose this colourful funeral spray in shades of pink and orange to pay a beautiful tribute to a departed friend.

Your order will be prepared by a skilled florist from the Teleflora network, chosen by Aquarelle to compose and deliver this funeral arrangement, which requires specific expertise and precise delivery conditions, to the destination of your choice (home, funeral parlour, place of worship, ceremony or cemetery).

This floral arrangement includes a stand or container which is not suitable for cremation.

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From €90.00

Offer your sincere condoleances with this beautifully coloured funeral spray.

Your order will be prepared by a skilled florist from the Teleflora network, chosen by Aquarelle to compose and deliver this funeral arrangement, which requires specific expertise and precise delivery conditions, to the destination of your choice (home, funeral parlour, place of worship, ceremony or cemetery).

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From €100.00

A majestic standing grave arrangement in red, white and cream.
This floral grave arrangement in red, white and cream will transmit your messages of condolence and sympathy for a funeral.
Your order will be prepared by a skilled florist from the Teleflora network, chosen by Aquarelle to compose and deliver this funeral arrangement, which requires specific expertise and precise delivery conditions, to the destination of your choice (home, funeral parlour, place of worship, ceremony or cemetery).

This floral arrangement includes a stand or container which is not suitable for cremation.

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From €85.00

Offer your sincere condoleances with this beautifully coloured funeral spray.

Your order will be prepared by a skilled florist from the Teleflora network, chosen by Aquarelle to compose and deliver this funeral arrangement, which requires specific expertise and precise delivery conditions, to the destination of your choice (home, funeral parlour, place of worship, ceremony or cemetery).

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From €90.00

Souvenir - Funeral wreath

From €185.00

A generous wreath of fresh white and cream flowers surrounded by delicate foliage
For a beautiful funeral tribute, opt for this generous wreath of flowers.
Composed of roses and a multitude of other white and green seasonal flowes and foliagee to express your deepest sympahty and regrets.

Your order will be prepared by a skilled florist from the Teleflora network, chosen by Aquarelle to compose and deliver this funeral arrangement, which requires specific expertise and precise delivery conditions, to the destination of your choice (home, funeral parlour, place of worship, ceremony or cemetery).

This floral arrangement includes a stand or container which is not suitable for cremation.

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From €185.00

Souvenir - Funeral wreath

From €185.00

A generous wreath of fresh white and red flowers surrounded by delicate foliage
For a beautiful funeral tribute, opt for this generous wreath of flowers.
Composed of roses and a multitude of other white and red seasonal flowes and foliagee to express your deepest sympahty and regrets.

Your order will be prepared by a skilled florist from the Teleflora network, chosen by Aquarelle to compose and deliver this funeral arrangement, which requires specific expertise and precise delivery conditions, to the destination of your choice (home, funeral parlour, place of worship, ceremony or cemetery).

This floral arrangement includes a stand or container which is not suitable for cremation.

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From €185.00

Eternel - Floral heart

From €125.00

A beautiful heart-shaped arrangement in cream and white
To pay a final tribute to a someone close to your heart, choose this superb arrangement of cream and white flowers. Composed of roses, seasonal flowers and a selection of foliage, it will accompany your messages of love and affection at the funeral ceremony.
Your order will be prepared by a skilled florist from the Teleflora network, chosen by Aquarelle to compose and deliver this funeral arrangement, which requires specific expertise and precise delivery conditions, to the destination of your choice (home, funeral parlour, place of worship, ceremony or cemetery).

This floral arrangement includes a stand or container which is not suitable for cremation.

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From €125.00